Cisco Modeling Labs (CML) 2.7 - 网络仿真工具

思科建模实验室 (CML)

Posted by sysin on 2024-03-30
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更新日期:Sat Mar 30 2024 09:08:45 GMT+0800,阅读量:

请访问原文链接:Cisco Modeling Labs (CML) 2.7 - 网络仿真工具,查看最新版。原创作品,转载请保留出处。


无耻抄袭者 Yu Tao 请远离本站!!!

Cisco Modeling Labs 是我们用于网络仿真的首要平台。凭借易于使用的 HTML5 UI 和全面的 API,思科建模实验室使设计、测试、故障排除和学习变得有趣。

Cisco Modeling Labs 是一种在工作站和服务器上运行的网络仿真工具。


Cisco Modeling Labs 是一种在工作站和服务器上运行的内部部署网络模拟工具。借助 Cisco Modeling Labs,您可以使用真实的 Cisco 映像快速轻松地模拟 Cisco 和非 Cisco 网络 (sysin)。这为您提供了用于设计、测试和故障排除的高度可靠的模型。与构建真实世界的实验室相比,思科建模实验室可以更快、更轻松地返回结果,而且成本只是其中的一小部分。



  • 多用户功能可让您创建和管理组以控制实验室访问
  • 持久化浏览器和会话
  • 按用户名搜索用户的表视图
  • 能够在 CML 画布中显示链接标签
  • 仪表板列表视图中每个实验室的组成员资格


  • 以极低的成本对虚拟设备进行设计、测试和故障排除
  • 快速启动您的 NetDevOps 转型。API 可让您自动进行模拟并连接到外部网络
  • 练习认证考试技能的好方法





  • 仅限单用户

  • 随附 20 个 Cisco 节点且无法扩展

  • 仅社区支持

  • 可通过 Cisco Learning Network Store 购买,价格为 199 美元或 2 个 Cisco Learning Credits

  • 立即购买

  • 下载概览

思科 Personal Plus 建模实验室

个人 Plus

  • 仅限单用户

  • 附带 40 个 Cisco 节点且无法扩展

  • 仅社区支持

  • 只需 349 美元或 4 个 Cisco Learning Credits 即可通过 Cisco Learning Network Store 购买

  • 立即购买

  • 下载概览




  • 对于拥有众多用户的组织

  • 附带 20 个 Cisco 节点并可扩展到 300 个节点

  • 多用户功能社区和 TAC 支持

  • 联系我们

  • 下载概览



  • 对于教育机构 (sysin)

  • 专为学院、大学和社区学院设计

  • 价格点让很多学生练习和学习

  • 按并发用户而不是按节点进行许可

  • 联系我们

  • 下载概览


CML Server / VM Requirements

System Resource Minimum Requirements (default configuration)
Memory 8 GB
CPU 4 (physical cores) Intel processors must support VTx and EPT. AMD processors must support AMDv and RVI.
Network 1 Interface
Hard Disk 16 GB or more

We strongly recommend Intel processors for CML-Enterprise deployments. While the CML application services run equally well on systems with Intel or AMD processors, some of the reference platform VM images are only supported when running on Intel processors.

Non-personal CML product offerings, such as CML-Enterprise and CML-Education, are tested on both M4 and M5 models of the UCS C220 and UCS C240 rack servers. Full support for bare metal installations is only available on these server platforms.

Supported Software

The CML web-based user interface requires an HTML5-capable browser. The UI is tested with both Chrome and Firefox and is supported on those web browsers.

The following hypervisor versions supported for the CML VM-based deployment option. The OVA file’s virtual hardware version is 10.

Virtualization Platform Version
VMware Workstation 15 or later
VMware Fusion Pro 11 or later*
VMware Player 15 or later
VMware ESXi 6.5 or later

* = Note that if you run a CML VM on an Apple system, you should use the latest supported version of OS X Catalina. In particular, do not upgrade to OS X Big Sur at this time. See Known Issues and Caveats for CML 2.1 for more information.


Cisco Modeling Labs 2.5.0

Cisco Modeling Labs 2.6.0

Cisco Modeling Labs 2.7.0

File Information

Image Filename Release Date Size
Cisco Modeling Labs 2.7.0 server. This image is for bare metal deployment. For VMware Installation use the (.ova) VMWare Installation Image found of Software Center. 27-Mar-2024 1524.02 MB
Cisco Modeling Labs 2.7.0 server (upgrade). Use this file for an in-place upgrade of an existing CML server. See the CML 2.7 Release Notes for details on which CML releases are compatible with this upgrade package. 27-Mar-2024 175.06 MB
Cisco Modeling Labs 2.7.0 server. This image is for deployment on VMware. Supported Hypervisors can be found in the CML Installation Guide. For Bare Metal Installation use the bare metal (.iso) installation file found in software center. cml2_2.7.0-4_amd64-20.ova 27-Mar-2024 927.71 MB
Cisco Modeling Labs reference platform ISO file (February 2024). This file is a required file for users who are not migrating from an existing installation. 27-Mar-2024 11636.14 MB
Cisco Modeling Labs supplemental reference platform ISO file (February 2024). This file is only required for users who want to add the SD-WAN node and image definitions. 27-Mar-2024 6232.01 MB

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